Wednesday, October 8, 2008

You know you are a dedicated crafter when...

you break a kitchen plate while getting dinner ready and all these ideas run through your head of what you can make with the glass!

I didn't save it but boy did I want to. It was just a clear glass plate, nothing fancy, no color but we have had the set for 12 years or so. Yeah I am crazy and love to save things. After all I am a crafter and love to reuse or as some people say, upcycle.

The glass just shattered when it fell out of the cabinet. We have a goldfish in a jar from a festival that was a few weeks back and glass fell in there too. I was just trying to keep glass off of the floor. Oh how I despise cleaning up tiny pieces of glass! I even found some in the pocket of my jeans.

Kitchen mishaps have been plentiful this past month. Normally things go pretty well.

A few weeks ago Tom moved the electric pressure cooker off of the Pampered Chef stone that it was sitting on, and somehow turned the burner on. My favorite cooking utensil had to be trashed, it melted the bottom good!

One night last week I was warming something, again on a stone, in the oven and I hear this huge POP! I knew exactly what the sound was so when I looked I wasn't surprised to see the stone broken in quarters. I have had that Stone less than 6 months so I am hoping to get it replaced. Now if it would have been one of my older ones that I am attached to that would have been a disaster lol.

Talking about my kitchen experiences makes me think how the accidents relate to real life. Things can be going along great and having fun then all of the sudden a big mess can sure change the mood. Yeah a petty sad comparison but true.

I love to try new recipes, love to go on unplanned adventures. Do you see what I mean? lol yes over thinking again ;)

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