Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Crazy Day

Where else to start than from the beginning of today. It was not your average beginning oof the day thank goodness!
10 minutes after I hit the snooze to wake up the 2 boys I hear "mom I need a drnk of water" from my 4 year old Ellie. I give her a drink then she asks if I can turn the tv on. It was 6:30 so I told her it wasn't time to get up. She insisted so of course I obeyed for a chance at 10 more minutes of sleep. Wrong!
I all of the sudden Ellie was throwing up all over. Wonderful start for my day. Maybe I am selfish but I thought I should take care of her today. I sent a text message to the mom of the baby I watch. I after all didn't want to get him sick too. She still came a little before 8 as usual and said she just received my message.
Here I sit with my sick 4 year old and trying to watch a 16 month old. Am I selfish? I would have and have done it with my own kids so why is this different?
I feel so guilty that I think baby should not be here today. His mom says there is no one else to watch him today. my problem?
Going to go for now until I can type with both hands...

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