Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Another "A"

I can't believe it has been a week since I have written anything.
I still have my earaches, makes me pretty much grouchier than usual ;)
Last night was parent teacher conferences. All 3 kids did super! I just don't understand how they all 3 get complimented on how well behaved they are at all times and they can be so rotten at home. Everyone says that is good. Guess they all have to see how far they can push mom and dad. Brandon got A's, an A+ and the lowest a B+. The lowest grade was in math and that is his favorite. I know it is him just getting in a hurry. Now he has an A to work towards. Carter's lowest was a B and he had only one. All the rest were A's. We were pleasantly surprised as he has to work harder to get his good grades. He is shooting for the B turning into an A also. Ellie doesn't get letter grades but is doing very well in preschool. Makes me feel much better hearing it from the teacher. We were definitely blessed with 3 very bright kids that love school. They teach us each and everyday!

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