Monday, October 13, 2008

A long weekend...

Wow I never knew one could get sick so fast, well I guess kids but not mom and dad, they can't get sick! Oh yes Mom does!
I thought I had the flu but was wondering if it was too early in the season. I suffered through the weekend as it seems to me I have been at doc way too much. It is always a sinus infection or an ear infection. Gets pretty old.
After I took the boys to get their braces on the bottom and sagittal thingy on top I decided maybe I should go to the doc. It hurts to breathe. Seems I have an ear infection, again, and bronchitis. Lovely, I don't think I have ever had bronchitis before. The doc made me do a breathing treatment then checked on me to see how I was before she would let me go. The nebulizer made me have a very funny and uneasy feeling. It just brought back all those memories of Mom constantly using one. How in the world she did it for so many years will amaze me. Here I am one whole weekend with bronchitis huffing and puffing which is NOTHING at all compared to what she went through. Just makes me mad, aggravated, sad and all of the above.

Kind of like what Jesus went through for us...and how dare we complain...

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